Trading Places 2016.
I was commissioned to shoot a “perfect perspective” photograph of the front of Taj Stores in Brick Lane, East London. It’s a double fronted Asian grocers and one of the oldest in the UK. The photograph was then to be displayed life size at The Norton Folgate thoroughfare in East London in a sort of tromp l'oeil fashion.
The work would be used for a Create London project called Trading Places
as part of artist Gillian Wearings art work:
“For Trading Places three artists with strong personal connections to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, reflect on the changing nature of east London and present a challenging new perspective into the past and future of this area.”
Gillian Wearing has paid homage to Taj Stores, one of the UK’s first Bengali grocery shops, founded in the Brick Lane area in 1936 and is still thriving today.
Taj Stores Final Image
Taj Stores workings
Taj Stores In Situ
Taj Stores In Situ